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You are warmly invited to attend a lecture on “King Lear and the Irony of Play” delivered by Professor James Kuzner from Brown University (USA). This talk explores mad play in King Lear, arguing that Shakespeare transvalues vulnerability, reimagining what it could mean for age to be a “second childhood” or for disability to be something other than tragedy. The lecture will be followed by drinks.
Event details of King Lear and the Irony of Play
29 November 2024
P.C. Hoofthuis
room 1.04

James Kuzner is Professor of English at Brown University. He is the author of three books: 

  • The Form of Love: Poetry’s Quarrel with Philosophy (Fordham, 2021);
  • Shakespeare as a Way of Life: Skeptical Practice and the Politics of Weakness (Fordham, 2016); and 
  • Open Subjects: English Renaissance Republicans, Modern Selfhoods, and the Virtue of Vulnerability (Edinburgh, 2011).

Today’s talk is drawn from his current book project, tentatively titled Lear’s Dark Towers: Care, Irony, Disability.

P.C. Hoofthuis

Room room 1.04
Spuistraat 134
1012 VB Amsterdam