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How did women navigate the bustling streets of the early modern city? Where did they go, whom did they encounter, and what boundaries did they face? In this talk, historian Bob Pierik will answer these questions by sharing insights from his dissertation and his new public-facing book 'Zo veel leven voor de deur'.
Event details of Women on the Move
17 September 2024
15:30 -17:00

Following Pierik’s presentation, three (art) historians will reflect on how the themes of women’s freedom of movement and public-private boundaries emerge in their own doctoral research. Ranging from sixteenth-century English poetry (Anna-Rose Shack) to the seventeenth-century Amsterdam art market (Marleen Puyenbroek) and to eighteenth-century Dutch Colonies (Hanna te Velde), the respondents will briefly explore a series of case studies that highlight pre-modern women on the move.

University Library

Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam